About the Help & Support Category

Do you have a question about using Linearity products? Or do you want to get to know others and exchange ideas?

Post all your feedback, bug reports, ideas and such here!


  1. Before dropping your questions, be sure you have checked our FAQ and User Guide, as well as the forum for an answer.

  2. Please try to adapt two guidelines when starting a new discussion:

  • Put your questions in the topic title
  • Give as much context as possible about your concern
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hello, im unable to download the app, it says -
it wont download. i have run troubleshoot and everything to which it says contact the administrator.

Hello. After I updated my Curve to v5.2.2(5.2.3 also has this problem), I can’t use flip across to make shapes maintain 0 degree, what can make my creating easier than deleting paths of shapes. Could you please add it back or place it in the options?

Correction: The function I want to add back is called Flip Vertical according to Curve

I cannot get scale+duplicate to work on my iPad mini 5. OS is fully updated. Rotate+duplicate does work.
I use the select tool, then the scale tool. Three buttons activate: duplicate, rotate and scale. If I turn on duplicate and rotate then it duplicates as the selection is rotate. If I turn on duplicate and scale it doesn’t duplicate.

Also, how on earth do you post to the forum or send a bug report?

Hey @DrDaddio, sorry for the delay to reply here. I see you’ve found out how to create new topics. In case of any bugs or issues, feel free to send your report to support@linearity.io as well.