Blur is in effect on a new layer; Cannot initiate a new layer with desired settings;

It has been a frustrating experience initiating a new layer with desired parameters. For example, when I create a new layer and try to draw with a pencil on it, everything is blurred. It is because in the previous draw, I used blur. So the same settings follow for the new layer. What is worse is, that I cannot change it until I actually draw something in the new layer. The desired settings can only be achieved retrospectively, not proactively. This is counter-productive. I should be able to initiate a new layer with the desired parameters (fill color, stroke color, blur etc) at the outset.

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Hi there @usr123,

As of right now I am unable to reproduce this issue - would you mind forwarding a screen recording of it taking place?

Also, it would be extremely helpful if you could confirm your OS and Vectornator version as they may be contributing factors.
