Exporting SVG to FlutterIcon


I’m trying to export my SVG icons to https://www.fluttericon.com, which is an extension of Fontello. The icons are not coming out as designed (missing lines, filling in circles etc) and I’m not sure why.

I’m new to vectors and SVGs and am working on an iPad. Here are the steps that Montello recommends, however, I’m sure what they mean and how to apply them to Vectornator.

Importing SVG images

You should understand that font formats do not support all of the features that the SVG format provides. Though we try to automate the import process, sometimes it’s necessary to make adjustments to artwork to achieve the desired result.

Here are our recommendations:

  1. Remove all fills and colours. You can probably leave black fills. In fonts, fill is defined by contour direction. Make sure that you don’t have any complex rules as evenodd fills.
  2. Remove all FAT line attributes. This is not supported by Fontello. In fonts, fat lines are drown by 2 nested contours.
  3. Join all contours to a single outline. This is the last and the most important step. Usually editors automatically set the correct contour direction depending on nesting and black fills.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!