My artwork isn’t sharp!


I have recently started using vectornator in my ipad. I have been using adobe illustrator for like 5 years now, on windows, and I know how sharp your vector artworks can be. But when I recently created a logo from scratch in vectornator, when I zoom in, it gets pixelated . Both before and after exporting the artwork. Could you please tell me if there’s a fix or if it is a device limitation?


After exporting always be pixelated

Hi there @tawfiqshah,

So sorry to hear about this issue!

This certainly shouldn’t be the case so I would be happy to take a look at any file settings that may be causing this problem. Would you mind forwarding your file to me via DM or via so I can check it out?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Hi Helen,

I have sent the file through the support email. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Its even before exporting , within the app while I zoom in for minor adjustments, making it way difficult to get things right

Hi @tawfiqshah thanks for forwarding the file!

Upon inspection, it appears that many individual elements of the file have had a light blur applied. I recommend diving into each of these impacted components and resetting the Blur to 0:

Hope this helps!


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Thanks a lot, it worked! I don’t remember how it got that blur , my bad!