Reducing nodes on I path

I’ve drawn a path with too many nodes. I want to let Vectornator reduce the amount of nodes without having to delete them one by one. I find YouTube tutorials about this, but they are made with an older interface with tabs that doesn’t exist anymore. I can’t find the function to reduce nodes on existing paths anymore in the Path or the Stroke sections of the Style tab. The learning section doesn’t help either. Anyone can explain me how to do this in the latest version (2023 March 4th) of Vectornator?

Hi there @Diderique and welcome to the community forum!

After selecting your path, you can locate the Add/Remove Nodes buttons here within the Path section of the Style Tab:

Hope this helps,

Why is my reduce nodes button shaded out?

Hi @SolsticeArch and welcome to the forums!

Do you have a single object/curve selected with the Selection or Node tool?

Note: groups and masking groups don’t work (the button will be unavailable), you might need to go into the Layers tab/panel and check that only a single object is selected, and that it doesn’t have any sub-objects/sub-layers.


I tried this today, but could not find your menu. How do we reduce the nodes in a path in the current version of the app?