Layer Highlights

Hey everyone!

This is happening quite frequently and is quite annoying: The highlights showing lyer selecting seem to be all over the place. When selecting multiple layers, it even gets worse, since you don’t know which ones are rrally selected and which ones are just falsely highlighted.
Here is a video showing the issue:
I am using iPhone 13 mini, iPS 15.1, Vectornator 4.5.0.

Best wishes,

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Same here.

Hi @shushustorm and @Outliers.Ark,

Thanks for letting us know about the problem you’ve faced. This is a known issue and we are working on it. Please stay in touch to find out when the fix is live!


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Great! Hoping for a fix!

Hello, I hope all is well with you.

I was wondering if they were any update on this issue? Or maybe if you would have any alternative for it?

Besides this, Vectornator is still definitely incredible :pray::pray::pray:


Hi @Outliers.Ark,
Unfortunately, I don’t have any news yet.
As soon as I get any information about fixes, I will immediately let you know :wink:

Thank you very much for using Vectornator, we appreciate your support.

Warmest regards,



This last firmware update has fixed this issue and much more. thank you so very much to your team for this amazing improvement. take great of yourselves everyone.

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(can’t seem to close the issue or mark as solved) :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I’m so happy to hear the issue no longer produces for you. If this problem recurs or if you experience any other issues related to 4.8.1, don’t hesitate to reach out!

I’m going to mark this thread as completed :white_check_mark:


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Very happy to see this being improved! It’s working great now!